Having completed the animation, including tweaking the
various aspects, as explained previously, it was time to render it. Fortunately
this was a relatively simple process once the required output format had been
chosen. The only aspect to watch out for was the file location.
Once you are on the rendering options panel, it is easy to
just see the big ‘Render’ button a press that straight away. This will, of
course, render the animation but once the render has completed you will be
dismayed to learn that it has not been saved on the computer.
Before the render button is clicked it is important to
specify a file path in which the final render is to be saved. This is done my
scrolling down the rendering setup menu to the output section. Within this
section is a default file path, the one that will not be saved on the computer.
To edit this, the ‘file’ button was pressed and then the desired file path was
Once this had been done, the render was