Tuesday 20 March 2012


Enter the world of real world physics! Within this tutorial we had a look at some of the applications of the built-in physics engine of 3DS Max.
We started with some basic models, a box falling onto another box, but then we were provided with some bowling alley models and had to use the physics engine to Reactor tool to make them behave appropriately.
Having been provided with the models we had to add them all to a Rigid Body Collection. We then had to give the models properties like Mass, Friction and Elasticity, these obviously dictate how these objects will behave in the simulation.
To make the animation work we had to start off the motion. This was the same procedure as we did for earlier basic animations, using AutoKey and moving the bowling ball. We only had to do this between zero and five frames, just to get it going. After that the physics takes over and moves the object how they would given their properties and motion.


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