We have moved onto lighting!! The main lesson that I have taken from this tutorial is that I am not a natural lighting expert.
However, after extensive trial and error, I managed to accomplish something reasonable enough to post here.
Starting with a ready made pumkin, we proceeded to put in some lighting effect. Firstly an Omnilight was placed in the centre of the pumpkin to simulate a candle. This light is essentially an orb of light, emitting light in all directions.
We then created a Target Spot, amptly named as it is a spot light. By modifying the Hotspot and the Falloff effects we were able to change the hardness of the light shining upon the pumpkin. We could also change the colour of this light, helping to give the spooky feel to the render.
Although this all sounds terribly simple, I quickly became overwhelmed with all the different settings and the numbers that were to be changed. However, after some guidence it soon became clearer.
Behold the final product!!
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